BS5Docs Pro
The BS5Docs theme also has a Pro version which contains some more functionality. It is appreciated if you use the Pro version for commercial work. The cost is EUR €45 per site.
If you want to get BS5Docs Pro as an individual, the price is EUR €15.
BS5Docs Pro can be purchased here:
The following settings can be changed in BS5Docs Pro to override the default behavior of the BS5Docs theme:
Color mode
Toggle between light, dark, or auto. Defaults to auto.
Date format
BS5Docs Pro attempts to use locale aware dates, month names, and day names. You can choose to display dates in the following formats: full, long, medium, and short. You may also completely disable the display of dates. Defaults to long.
Hide theme and Bludit credits
You may choose to hide attribution given to the theme author and to Bludit. By default, these credits are displayed.
Use highlight.js
Whether or not syntax-highlighting should be enabled.
Generate TOC
Determines if a table of contents should be generated for all <h2>
headers found on a page. This is enabled by default.
Show navigation
Determines if there should be a content navigation control displayed. This allows the visitor to read your documentation in sequential order without having to use the navigation menu. You may also choose to display this only on smaller screens. The default is to show it only on smaller screens.
Generate Sitemap
If enabled, this setting will make BS5Docs generate a sitemap that contains what you see in the navigation menu, i.e. your documentation. The sitemap can be obtained from your site at
It is automatically updated when content is updated in Bludit admin. The default is not to create a sitemap.
This function will also detect Bludits Sitemap plugin. If the plugin is active, the Sitemap feature of BS5Docs will be automatically disabled.